
by Science for Change, S.L.



Have you ever experienced odor nuisance at home or at your workplace?Do you know where to file a complaint?Frequent exposure to unpleasant odors can cause headaches, stress and lack of concentration or respiratory problems, thus reducing your health and quality of life.Although complaints about bad odors are one of the main environmental problems in the EU, there is no specific regulation to control the problem, so citizens are defenseless.OdourCollect provides a tool to empower citizens, who suffer from regular odor nuisance, to report the incidence to the world.Odor maps are built based on odor reports from multiple sources to calculate nuisance frequencies and levels. Just sign in and start reporting, anytime, anywhere. Your nose is, in fact, the best odor sensor available.The resulting odor maps are open to public consultation and could eventually be used to demonstrate the problem and call for action from relevant stakeholders, with the aim of eliminating or significantly reducing the nuisance, thus improving the quality of life for citizens.The data collected in OdourCollect is open data, published under the EUPL license and downloadable through its website OdourCollect.eu.You can also use OdourCollect by visiting the website http://odourcollect.eu from any Android or iOS mobile device.For more information or to report an odor complaint area, please contact us at [email protected].